Streetlight Tacloban: 
Tacloban, Philippines 2010

- A collaboration with a group of families to design and build a study center for their children.

The study center was designed and built in collaboration with families from the informalsettlement of Seawall and the NPO Streetlight Philippines, which assists children in leavingstreet life and accessing education. The aim of the project was to use architecture as a tool forthe parents to enhance the learning conditions for their own children. Through a series ofworkshops, games, and on-site testing, the design process became a platform for exchangingambitions, experiences, and knowledge among all participants. Mothers took responsibilityfor designing and building the interior of the school, while fathers engaged in the constructionprocess, embedding situated knowledge and experience. This collective effort transformed theproject into more than just building a study center; it fostered a strong sense of community.Retrospectively, the families described the process asBayanihan, the Filipino tradition ofworking together toward a shared goal.

Team: Alexander Eriksson Furunes, Ivar Tutturen, Trond Hegvold &
Neva HomeresPartner: Streetlight Philippines